The Performance Marketing Blog

Crisis Management with a Valued Customer

Crisis Management with a Valued Customer

I’ve been doing agency work for a long time, since the year 2000 as eAccountable. Before that, I was in the commercial real estate business in Dallas, Texas and to say during my work experience I have had some “war stories” would be an understatement. But I really...

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Affiliate Marketing is NOT dead.

Affiliate Marketing is NOT dead.

Affiliate marketing has and is adapting, changing and evolving with the times. A couple weeks ago I read a piece of marketing material with the title: “Affiliate Marketing is Dead”. Surprising since the sender over its history has essentially billed itself as a...

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What’s not to LOVE about Influencers?

What’s not to LOVE about Influencers?

Actually, there’s nothing not to love about influencer marketing. Yet, most advertisers may find it hard to build a strong affiliate channel if they solely rely on influencers. One of the biggest hurdles for working with influencers is that many of our clients at...

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