Transforming Amazon Advertising: How eAccountable Boosted ROAS for a Leading Consumer Goods Client in Just One Month

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Just over a month ago, eAccountable successfully acquired a well-known client in the mobile device accessory industry. Upon taking over the client, it was evident that their previous agency had neglected their Amazon Advertising efforts, with no bids placed throughout the year and no active campaigns for their latest product line. 

When the client came on board with eAccountable, their initial advertising spend was $45,402, resulting in sales of $120,510 and a return on advertising spend (ROAS) of 2.65. 

In just one month, eAccountable was able to make significant improvements. The advertising spend was effectively reduced by 12.3%, while sales increased by 11.5%. These improvements also led to a remarkable increase in ROAS, reaching 3.42, demonstrating the impact of eAccountable’s strategic efforts and expertise in optimizing the client’s Amazon Advertising performance.

About eAccountable 

eAccountable is a digital marketing agency headquartered in Denver, Colorado. For more than two decades, online retailers have partnered with us to increase revenue, acquire new customers, and build brand loyalty. We have helped clients across many industries recognize quick and extremely profitable results through an integrated omnichannel digital marketing approach.

If you’re interested in learning more about how eAccountable can help you maximize your Amazon sales and increase your brand exposure, drop us a line.